Metta Integrative Health
Discover Homeopathic Healing Wisdom – Live a Life of Vibrant Health
Elevate your health and healing by rebalancing your body and mind at every level and reconnecting more deeply to your most radiant self.
If you’re like many of us, when you’re not feeling well, you jump headfirst into healing the symptoms — instead of pulling back, to work at the source point of your dis-ease.
Yet, to achieve radiant health that lasts, you must meet your individual needs as a complex, multi- layered person whose mental and emotional states contribute to what’s happening inside you at the physical level.
Western medicine often forgets that you’re a whole being and focuses on the elimination of separate symptoms, instead of uncovering their root. Many people find that despite the removal of certain symptoms, they still don’t feel well and healthy. Real healing is the integrated healing of body, mind and spirit – otherwise known as “Qi”, “Prana”, “Lifeforce” or “Vital Energy”.
Homeopathic wisdom honors the profound connections between these aspects, combining physical, mental, and emotional health. It is a whole-body system for healing that addresses not only imbalances when you are ill, but also the imbalances before health challenges set in.
By working with you, as a unique and complex individual, homeopathy provides insights into your unique core dynamics and metabolic patterns. Homeopathy is the art and science of identifying these patterns in you and selecting remedies that are aligned to treat your specific makeup and imbalance.
When we are healthy, we feel good, our bodies function as they should and we are able to fulfill our lives creatively and have healthy, happy relationships. The word “to heal” means to make whole and as we discover greater vitality, we feel more integrated and free from dis-ease.
To live a healthy happy life is a realistic and appropriate goal for all of us to seek!
Benefits of Homeopathy
Treats Root Cause
No Harmful Side Effects
FDA Approved Pharmacopeia
Robust Research - 1,200 Controlled Research Trials
Established clinical efficacy for 230 years
Over 6,000 Proven Remedies
Sophisticated Materia Medica Based on Empirical Evidence
Deeply Individualized to the Patient
Integrated System of Medicine
Gentle, Safe & Profoundly Effective
Used by 500 Million People Worldwide
Treats Chronic Long-Term Ailments
Treats Acute, First Aid & Epidemics
Low Cost
Sustainable & Green Medicine
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