What to Expect
Integrative Approach
The task of the homeopath is to find the particular substance in nature that most closely fits your unique symptom picture in its totality. This requires thorough and accurate gathering of information about your state of health. You will very rarely have the opportunity to be listened to with such close attention. There are few other situations in which your health and your self are explored so thoroughly. This can be a very empowering experience.
An initial case taking consultation may take up to two hours to establish a complete picture of your pattern of health. The homeopath regards the body as more than the sum of its parts, and as more than a merely mechanical and chemical system. As well as exploring your current complaints in detail, the homeopath will gather information about you in general, and your unique experience of life. Then, a full analysis of your case is conducted to determine the one homeopathic remedy that most closely matches your total picture at this particular time.
Once you have taken your remedy, you may feel the healing begin almost immediately as it works to stimulate your inner healing mechanism. The process of healing often begins with an increased sense of well-being and renewed energy. Homeopathy usually addresses recent symptoms first, followed by older, more underlying symptoms. As healing continues, you may experience a brief intensification of old symptoms. This typically indicates that your body's vital healing force is responding to the energizing signal of the remedy. These typically pass quickly, however these reactions can be addressed through posology modification.
Follow up
As you move through the first few months of healing, we will have shorter monthly appointments, called follow-ups, to assess your progress. To benefit from homeopathy the initial commitment is typically one consultation and two follow-ups. After the first three months, you will need less frequent follow-ups (once every 3 months) because your body will become increasing able to maintain a strong and healthy balance on its own.
Your overall progress depends on your level of vitality, the nature and depth of your condition, and your own commitment to treatment. Acute or recent conditions respond swiftly. Healing long-term or chronic conditions is a more gradual process. Rule of thumb—the longer you have been out of balance, the longer the healing process takes. A rough estimate is about one month to each year you have been experiencing symptoms. Through your follow-up appointments, I keep a careful record of your case and how you are responding to treatment. This is how we achieve a “rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health”.
Integrative Approach
While pursuing homeopathic treatment, you should continue to maintain a relationship with your medical doctor for routine checkups and emergency situations. Always consult an MD for the physical diagnosis of any condition you are concerned about, routine exams, and emergencies or traumas requiring x-rays or surgery. Homeopathy can be complementary to conventional health care and works well in conjunction with traditional treatment. Although our approach is different, our ultimate goal is the same—your maximum health.
"The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health in the most trustworthy and least harmful way, according to clearly outlined principles."
—Samuel Hahnemann, Founder of Homeopathy